Books and Publications

The fascinating art of barefoot massage is currently experiencing an explosion in popularity worldwide. From traditional approaches to modern physiotherapeutic approaches, massage therapists and massage aficionados everywhere are discovering the unique and compelling benefits of this barefoot art.

This book is written for massage therapists and massage lovers alike. Discover how barefoot massage techniques have a unique ability for powerful, smooth, deep pressure that heals clients and saves a massage therapist’s hands. Barefoot massage has something for everyone, especially those who feel like massage is never quite deep enough to get to their muscle pain.

Additionally, too many massage therapists are ending their careers early. If you’re a massage therapist with aching hands, wrists, and arms, this resource is a must have for your bookshelf. Barefoot massage heals clients and lengthens massage therapy careers every day. Educate yourself and create a lasting career, all while enabling yourself to better heal the clients that need you the most.

What was it like to become a mother during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Jenni Miller-James, and other parents who experienced pregnancy during the pandemic, share their experiences on the Enloe Health Matters podcast in a two-part series. Follow the link below to listen to Episodes 3  & 4.

New Podcast Coming Soon.

New empowering content on the therapeutic process, how to choose a therapist, and how to end therapeutic services that are not working for you is coming soon!

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