Barefoot Massage Instruction:

Group Classes and Private Instruction

What is Barefoot Massage?

In broad terms, barefoot massage is the wide range of traditional and physiotherapeutic approaches where massage therapists use their feet to provide smooth, deep, pressure for the purposes of relaxation, stress relief, and easing muscle tension.

The Benefits for Clients

Are you a client who has not been able to find pressure deep enough? Or perhaps you find deep tissue techniques with elbows “too pointy” or uncomfortable? Barefoot massage is wonderfully deep and smooth, creating opportunities to address deep and stubborn tension and pain.

The Benefits for Massage Therapists

Let’s face it, a massage career using only hands and arms can really put a lot of strain on ourselves as massage therapists. Using our body weight and the large, strong muscles of our legs, we can be exceptional bodyworkers and simultaneously take unnecessary strain off our hands and arms. Simply put: barefoot massage helps build massage careers that last.

Learn in a Group Class.

Learning with others comes with many benefits, including learning from other students’ backgrounds and styles.

View upcoming LEVEL 1 course dates and register

View upcoming LEVEL 2 course dates and register

Contact Chico massage School for details:

Learn in Private Lessons.

Book an individualized one-on-one instruction plan.

View upcoming LEVEL 1 options and register

View upcoming LEVEL 2 options and register

Please call or email the instructor with questions:

(530) 588-0252


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